Thursday, April 29, 2010

final paper

im five pages in. i can either stop at ten pages or go to 15. prob going to stop at 10.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


if anyone wants to come visit denver and see me, that would be nice. its not scary here, its actually quite safe and wonderful.

beautiful day

beautiful istockphoto_5401420-sunny-denver.jpg

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

pretty damn funny.


finally. and it is super fun too because it slides and is pretty. yay, no more smart phone!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Lady Gaga - Telephone (Official Explicit Version) ft. Beyoncé

bad day

that guy by the shark is having a better day than me
new phone.
didnt get one

riding in the rain

ok, lets be honest about how embarrassing it is to ride your bike in the rain. its not like walking in the rain, you are being hurt and splashed and cars and pedestrians are all staring at you.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

after a night of drinking, a girl doesnt always look so hot

Saturday, April 24, 2010

is everyone mad at me?

no one is texting me back or calling me...rene, phil, mom. what the eff did i do?

i have to go to work

i really dont want to go and i need to do homework. awesome.

my mom

bought me a ds for christmas and i am officially addicted.

p- pimp
h- having
i- inner
l- love


thats what i am

Friday, April 23, 2010

this is a real picture. goats that live in trees in the desert, they just climb up and kick it in the trees.
the best thing ever.
what is the deal with the weather denver? i was walking in the pouring rain and my umbrella turned inside out because the wind, but when I walked back, there was no rain but the creek was over flowing. i dont get it, but i dig it.
raining today, off to work on my film.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


i like to work, its alright.
here i go. off to work on a high speed train.

you dont know its the same potato

this lady forgot to order her potato with JUST butter and therefor she received onions on her food. when i st her food down she went off about how she didnt want onions and needed a new potato and then her husband chimed in about how they know when the chef just scrapes off the onions, because they are special and magical and can tell. seriously. really. wow, just eat the onions, or pick them off.
fine. i guess you can buy me one
im trying to write a paper about mesopotamian writing and its going quite poorly.
Denver is on a tornado watch. tight.
i want one

the lady that forgot she was a vegetarian and ordered bacon on her potato

enough said. remember that you dont eat meat and dont order it on your food.